Category: Resources
5 FREE Online German Courses For Beginners (A1-A2) On Youtube
Youtube is an amazing free resource for learning foreign languages. You can find thousands of videos dedicated to German language. I’m using it to improve my English, and I always recommend it to my students as an additional resource for improving their German skills. To be clear, I don’t think watching Youtube is the fastest […]
Learn German with music: 5 songs by Max Giesinger
In the first part of “Learn German with music”, I wrote about Mark Foster, one of my favorite German artists. As I mentioned in previous posts, learning German through music might be not the best idea for beginners. But it is a great tool for beginner and advanced learners to enrich the vocabulary and improve […]
5 best Youtube channels to learn German for beginners
If you want to learn German online for free, Youtube is one of the best places to start. There many Youtube channels out there that focus on German language and culture. When if you are just starting your language learning journey, it might be difficult to find out which channel is the most useful for […]
How to pronounce the German R sound
The German R is a number one sound that gets a lot of hate form people who are learning German. I saw many of my beginner students struggle with this sound. I also met many people who already spoke good German, but still were unable to pronounce the German R sound correctly. Sure, you can get […]
Learn German through music: Top 6 songs by Max Forster
Tired of studying German grammar? Feeling like you are losing motivation to learn German? Then why not take a break from and listen to some music. German music, of course. 😀
5 best Instagram accounts to learn German words
Are you trying to learn German language but feeling like there is never enough time? Then learning German words on Instagram can be a great way for you to learn new words. If you are spending time on social media anyway, why not learn some new words at the same time? In this article, you […]