Tired of studying German grammar? Feeling like you are losing motivation to learn German? Then why not take a break from and listen to some music. German music, of course. 😀
I decided to start a new blog post series and share my favorite German music with you. I believe that music is a fun tool to use when learning foreign languages. It helps you learn new vocabulary in context, improve your listening skills, and if you like singing, even help with pronunciation. It is important to choose the songs that you really like. So if you don’t like Max Forster, come back later for more German music inspiration!
For the first post in this series, I choose Max Forster, because he is the first one who always comes to my mind when someone asks me for German music recommendation. And yes, this is probably the only German singer that I listen to on regular basis. When you listen to his songs, you will notice the same characteristics that are noticeable in real everyday German. This includes skipping vowels, using colloquial expressions and occasional Denglisch (Englisch words in German language)
Look at the following examples:
Komm, ich zeig’s dir! – Komm, ich zeige es dir! – Come I will show you this!
Wovor hast du Schiss? – Wovor hast du Angst? – What are you afraid of?
Doch meistens hab’ ich’s nicht gehört – Doch meistens habe ich es nicht gehört – But mostly I haven’t heard.
Ich will nix hör’n und hau’ mir auf die Brust wie King Kong – Ich will nichts hören und haue mir auf die Brust wie King Kong – I want to hear nothing and beat my chest like King Kong
Ey stranges, kleines Leben – strange little life
All this makes German songs not so easy to understand for beginners. I find German music to be a good listening exercise for intermediate and advanced learners. But if you are beginner and love listening to music, just read the lyrics in German and see the English translation, in case you don’t understand what is going on in the song.
1. Mark Forster – Kogong
The first song is quite slow and should be easy to understand. Can you guess where the music video was filmed?
2. Mark Forster – Chöre
This song was a big hit when it came out. This beat it really sticky, I warned you!
See German lyrics and English translation
4. Mark Forster – Au Revoir ft. Sido
The last three songs are a part of one music video trilogy. See if you can notice the connection between the stories. Watch 00.20-00.30 for a perfect example of how many German teenagers communicate nowadays.
See German lyrics and English translation
5. Mark Forster – Flash mich
I used to listen to this song a lot during treadmill workout, I still feel like running every time I hear it.
See German lyrics and English translation
6. Mark Forster – Bauch und Kopf
And the last song is also quite slow and perfect for singing.
See German lyrics and English translation
Now tell me, do you like Mark Forster? Do you want to see grammar and vocabulary exercises based on the lyrics?
Also, share your favorite German music in the comments!

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